Spongebob Squarepants Fan Art

  • May 23, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: kzkmz01
  • License: CC-BY
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This was one of my first efforts in Blender (2.49) following a tutorial that doesn't seem to be available anymore


I've saved it in 2.67


  • J C Roberts profile picture
    J C Roberts

    Looks good. Too bad it wasn't left as a 2.49, which would let anyone download and update it as they please. But if there's more people like me, that are stuck with 2.63 because Blender dropped support for mac OS prior to 6.0 (I'm stuck with 5.8.1 because it'll kill my $1700 Adobe suite if I upgrade), then they're out of luck too.

    I'd download it if I just wanted to see Blender crash a few times.

    Written May 24, 2013
  • FayZee profile picture

    If your architecture and RAM will allow, you can download the latest Blender to your hard drive and then run it from within a live Linux OS.

    Written May 25, 2013
  • UP3D profile picture

    good model ;-) keep blending

    Written May 24, 2013
  • damleatherwood profile picture

    Hey, would you mind if I used your Spongebob for a school project? I would really appreciate it!

    Written May 15, 2019