Space fighter game test

  • December 06, 2010
  • Blender 2.4x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: kiml42
  • License: CC-0
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I wanted to make a space-fighter usable in the BGE with reasonably realistic physics and controls, this is what I ended up with.

Alas my computer's graphics card isn't working right, so it's all wireframe, if anyone wants to fix up the graphics so they look all pretty, I'd love you to give it a go, and I'd love to see the results.

The controls are as follows:

Turn upwards: down arrow.

Turn downwards: up arrow.

Turn left/right: left/right arrows.

Accelerate forwards: w.

accelerate backwards: s.

Roll left/right: a/d.

shoot: space bar.

This being a space fighter, if you gain any momentum (angular or linear) you're going to keep it until you can find a way to stop.

The numbers in the top left show you the enemy's health, your health and your ammo. Ammo reloads periodically, and your health slowly regenerates... but I haven't worked out a way of dieing yet, so you can watch happily as your health plummets into negative numbers.

I've probably missed out some very important details, on account of it being 2:29 AM, so feel free to ask questions, not that you shouldn't if it wasn't, if you see what I mean... nehem.

Oh, and the name of the blend file isn't actually nearly as relevant as it should be.


  • SuperNeonManGuy profile picture

    I know it has been two years but I think that I have to tell you that there is no need to apologize. Your English was perfect.. In face, yours was better than mine is sometimes.

    Edited July 08, 2012
  • SuperNeonManGuy profile picture

    *face = fact

    Edited July 08, 2012