Zdeph passe Node setup!

  • April 20, 2012
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: muritaka
  • License: CC-0
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Hello everyone,

this is a Node setup to map the Z values in a grayscale image

this is really useful when you have an external compositor or

when you work on high rendertimes, you often realise that

you need to re-render your entire shot because you failed

the post effects, whith this node setup you can use this grayscale

image to make DOF (deph of field) effects, mist, and some orther cool

things with compositing softwares.

released under CC0- (Do what you want !) (feel free to give attribution).


  • sizzler profile picture

    I don't know too much about compositing, but can't you just turn on the Z pass in the render layers? It makes a depth pass for me.

    Written April 20, 2012
  • muritaka profile picture

    this is used to extend blender post processing capabilities to After Effects, in order to take advantage of the non-destructive post processing workflow that allow you to test, try new things, makes mistakes but without re-rendering each time.

    Written April 21, 2012