Regency Townhouse Staff Pick

  • August 20, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: brightonpiers
  • License: CC-BY
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This kind of architecture can be found all over Brighton, although the houses that this scene is based on are my favorite; Powis Square. There's a little more work to be done such as the pavement and shuffling up the textures on houses, but I want to move on. All textures and models are my own and you're free to do with them as you please...with attribution.

Sorry about the large file size but for some reason packing a few textures trebled the size.


  • hotzst profile picture

    Wow! How long have you been working on this? What do you intend to use it for? I ask because you modelled parts as well that are not visible (sub-basement). If you would increase the Y-resolution the balcony would be visible as well. Awesome iron-work by the way. Two things that I noticed however (not that I could do them better ;) ): - The grime on the side of the portal(s) look nice, in the front however it looks like peeled down paint, which looks out of place on solid stone (it is stone, isn't it?) - Though I never was at Powis square in Brighton: Are the steps up to the door really this worn out. What I learned the hard way is that you first have to think what you want your model to use for, because this basically defines the necessary detail you have to model.

    Written August 20, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    Well I don't really have any purpose for it other than I wanted to make it because I like the buildings, and I could work on my skills with it. The buildings themselves are made out of brick which is then rendered and painted, and many of them have peeling paint. All the texture files came from similar buildings in the area and that is what the shabbier ones look like. The steps may be a little exaggerated but they can be 150-200 years old so they do get pretty worn. There's a lot of stuff in the model that you can't see in the screenshot but I think the model looks better from close up personally.

    Edited August 20, 2011
  • knight725 profile picture

    Beautiful modelling, amazing detail etc. Even without a pavement texture/bump map etc....still looks stunning. Absolutely fantastic.

    Edited August 20, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    Thanks, I've just been looking into bump maps actually...

    Written August 21, 2011
  • knight725 profile picture

    Bump/normal maps can be fun.......Ive found the lighting can affect how the result can look too......Ive had a mess about with doing car tyres and ground texturing with this method......and it never looks right until you start messing with the lighting......otherwise it never seems to look quite how you want it to LOL......anyway, best of luck with it bud.

    Written August 21, 2011
  • deadparrot profile picture

    my instant reaction was "MY GOD!!!!"

    this looks amazing.

    Written August 27, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    Nice comment, thanks!

    Written August 28, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    Jesus, someone must have just given this 0 stars to move it off the top spot. Thanks.

    Written November 09, 2011
  • mofx profile picture

    Still looks like a great score, and a great model to me. Great job, thanks for sharing.

    Written November 09, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    Thanks, and I know it shouldn't matter, but no sooner had it become the highest ranked model on the site than someone came along and gave it a zero. Seriously weak.

    Written November 09, 2011
  • mofx profile picture

    ya it was a guest of the site that gave it a zero, which happens a lot so I have a feeling we will be shutting down ratings for guest.

    Written November 09, 2011
  • poifox profile picture

    After all this time and nobody noticed there were no textures? come on guys!

    @Brightonpiers, please pack the textures and reupload as soon as possible, otherwise the blend has to be taken down.

    Edited November 11, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    I will look into that straight away.

    Written November 12, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    Thanks very much - I think the internal renderer is still pretty good under the right circumstances. And thanks for downloading - I know it's big but after packing a few textures into it the file size just exploded and I couldn't make it any smaller.

    Written November 23, 2011
  • brightonpiers profile picture

    The easiest way is to press 0 so you're looking through the camera, right mouse button select the outside edge of the camera so it turns orange then G + Z to move it down, or G by itself, or G + X etc.

    Written November 23, 2011
  • ollonb profile picture

    Wow - it's so strange seeing this... I was just working at the town house for a few weeks, sitting next to a student making a 3d model of the house as well, in Blender.

    Written August 30, 2013
  • pinodemicco profile picture


    Written December 03, 2013
  • alfs profile picture

    great job thank you that's what I've done with you

    I would mention your name in the generic of the final video

    Written December 10, 2014
  • alfs profile picture

    Hello After 3 years of work here , before the last version of the clip I've realized thanks to your sharing that I have on many hereby amended ^^ does not hesitate to give me all the notes and tips on things that could improve the final version. Wishes that you write your real name in the credits ?

    Written December 08, 2015