Bread Knife [Updated]

  • June 11, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: mramshaw
  • License: CC-0
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Strangely, BlenderGuru's latest tutorial did not include a bread knife!

So this is a simple bread knife, rendered with his starter scene.

Only the bread knife is included, some basic lighting but nothing

too fancy.

It's not exactly low poly, but it's free and CC0! Also, feedback is very

welcome, the model is Grouped as 'Bread Knife' with some simple

textures and the model is all quads. But there must be better ways to

make these kind of things so any tips or critique is much appreciated.


  • jlnh profile picture

    Awesome.. Sir..

    Edited June 11, 2013
  • John C. profile picture
    John C.

    My personal opinion in that the knife is a little to reflective. It should look like stainless steel. Other than that, great model. It was a good idea to add that much-needed bread knife to the scene. :-)

    Edited June 11, 2013
  • mramshaw profile picture

    Thanks guys, I rendered this in a couple of scenes, the material looked okay to me. Usually the utensils are not that well-modelled or textured, so this looked about right (Who looks closely at these things, hey they're cutlery right? As long as it's clean ...).

    I had my problems with the modelling, the handle started as a Cylinder but I couldn't figure out how to get rid of the NGon caps (and by then I had modelled too much to start again, lazy I guess). The handle ends were tricky, I tried tris but they just looked very nasty. So all quads.

    The blade is mostly what I'm curious about, I could not think of another way to get that level of detail on the cutting edge without going very high poly. Perhaps it's necessary.

    Anyhow, thanks for the feedback, I will try to return the favour.

    Written June 11, 2013
  • oldtimer profile picture

    I like realism. All my modest works are related to realism. I like the level of realism of your work but, like John C says, the knife has too much reflection and the width of the blade is similar to a shaving blade. Also the handle is in the opposite side of the realism and doesn't say anything about the material it is supposed to be made. In general, It is a good idea and deserves to be improved with a little more of work. Regards.

    Written June 12, 2013
  • mramshaw profile picture

    Thank you for the comments, John C. and 'oldtimer', you are both right of course.

    I fixed some geometry for the handle and re-did the blade (I had some better ideas).

    For the materials, I dove into Cycles (still tricky for me) and the handle was easy enough.

    For the blade, I stole some ideas from a thread on BA by 'elbrujodelatribu' (Google him; his website has some interesting stuff there). You can find some of his great Cycles stuff here also. Lots and lots of renders but at least with Cycles you can preview things.

    Thanks again for the critique, it inspired me to do more of this hard-edge stuff & it was fun.

    Written June 15, 2013
  • shivraj profile picture

    I think blade must be more shiny & handle does not look like its made of plastic. Can you fix it.

    Edited June 16, 2013
  • oldtimer profile picture

    It's said that artists vision is, most of the time, subjetive. The first knife image looked super shiny. Now this looks opaque, but not unreal :) :) Your intention goes for the right way and soon you'll reach the perfection. Regards.

    Edited June 16, 2013
  • masa74 profile picture

    congratulations, really high quality!

    Edited August 12, 2014
  • johnbradshaw profile picture

    Can't find the bread in the file. Only knife is there.

    Written July 08, 2021