Tu154M exterior model

  • June 06, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Felis
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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This is the future model of Tu154M for X-Plane10 flight simulator.

Yes, it will be commercial project with cabin and cockpit, lot of animations and programming.

Right now i've decided to upload the exterior to blendswap.com under Creative Commons Attribution license. So you can use it in your own projects, like movies or games.

You can also download the Photoshop files here:


This will help you paint liveries for any airline, you want and improve the textures. If they're good, i'd be happy to include them as livery packages for this project.

If any questions - contact me via e-mail: felisleopard@gmail.com

Andrey aka Felis Leopard.


  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    Nicely done!

    Written June 10, 2013
  • ask13freak profile picture

    Make sure to post the X-Plane release here. I have X-Plane 10 since release and i bought a beast PC to fly on high settings. I love to fly smaller commercial planes eventhough I have a Glider Pilots Licence!

    Greets from Bavaria!

    Written June 12, 2013
  • n3ema profile picture


    Written June 16, 2013
  • Felis profile picture

    no, i will not share the full model, because it is a commercial project. it will be available at online stores for a fair price as complete aircraft for X-Plane. maybe sometime later.

    Written June 18, 2013
  • Fuzzknuckle profile picture

    Thanks for sharing this though awesome

    Edited June 19, 2013
  • Sulphurous profile picture

    Very nicely done model for it being free. The lack of an interior is no big deal at all. Great texturing aswell, with it being mapped for both sides of the aircraft.

    Written February 11, 2018
  • Sulphurous profile picture

    The link for the photoshop files is dead. I'd like to remove the dirty texture on the fuselage right behind the engines.

    Written March 16, 2018