Star Ocean 4 Merical Fan Art

  • January 12, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: shadowfoxqx
  • License: CC-BY
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The model is made and rendered out in maya but the background in the render is made in photoshop, just to make it look nicer, that render shot is in the folder along with the actual blend file.

merical is from a game called star ocean 4, a model of her, yes i know, the clothing isnt the one in the game, but oh well, i choose not to make it, you can make it if you wish,

The model is full body, with few layers of clothing over, the clothing is all removable, same with the hair and ears. Its mid poly and there are no textures on there,


  • Speedertrix profile picture

    When I rendered this, she is all black. I fixed it by disabling Ray Tracing under Render > Shading > Ray Tracing. Thank you for the pretty model.

    Written March 02, 2016
  • Aboqamel profile picture

    can you take a screenshot on how to access Ray Tracing and disabling it ? ive been struggling for hours :(

    Written September 20, 2018