Earth and moon

  • October 17, 2012
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: alepx
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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Earth moon


  • poifox profile picture

    Cool, but the Moon has no atmosphere so that composite glare should be on the Earth only ;)

    Written October 18, 2012
  • alepx profile picture

    Thanks for your comment made ??me good to put the glow on the moon

    Written October 19, 2012
  • FridiFataL profile picture

    Anyhow it looks cool :)

    Written December 04, 2012
  • FerranMClar profile picture

    Can I use this as pat of the backgrownd for a CD cover? I'd like then to register it under a different license -if I finally do it, credit you is no problem, of course-.

    Nice blend!

    Written October 19, 2012
  • alepx profile picture

    sure you can use just send me a copy when you finish ok :)

    Written October 19, 2012
  • nickbrunner profile picture

    Greta job! Well done! :)

    Written October 19, 2012
  • nickbrunner profile picture

    *Great (typo) :)

    Written October 19, 2012
  • brandoncross7 profile picture

    I made a earth in blender, but I don't know yet how to get it to rotate and to save it as a video so I can post it on my facebook page. Please help. Thanks in advance.


    Edited November 01, 2012
  • alepx profile picture

    Brandon ok, I hope the answer will not be late. in blender to export the video option is the tab that looks like a camera, there you can choose the format you want to make a better video, so if you have to wait a bit on what the machine does its work, about giving movement, you can do it by inserting keyframes in your timeline on you tube there are many tutorials it can help you. my english is so bad

    Written November 06, 2012
  • CypherBeta profile picture

    Very very cool. Has anybody else tried to use this for a professional animation (or semi-professional? lol)

    Edited November 02, 2012
  • daadood profile picture

    Today for the first time I create the Earth animation and the Title of my logo rotate around it you can watch it on Youtube under Luis Alvarinas, by the way I wonder If I could upload the video . The Earth and the Title was a combinations of two tutorial that I found the one with the title this guy used very early version of Blender, and the rest of the project I found the tutorial from Andrew Price, which I wish for him to create one but using Cycle instead.

    Written July 21, 2013