F4U Corsair

  • September 28, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Gikkio
  • License: CC-BY
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all in blender


texture: texture paint with gimp, (col, nor, spec) and Hdr in environment light

post pro: gamma correction, gaussian blur


  • Ionic profile picture


    this is a very cool blend. I love those old fashioned prop/turboprop airplanes! :-)

    Great work!

    Written September 28, 2011
  • Gikkio profile picture

    I search for more accurate original reference for the model. Only the redhead is not part of the real model, but it is inspired by the drawings that were made on planes in WWII. Very thank you Ionic|

    Written September 28, 2011
  • Ionic profile picture

    Hi Gikkio,

    I can try to find some further references for you. I've visited some museums and nostalgic airshows. Most of my pictures are from the WWII Airplanes from Germany (Messerschmitt etc.), but I have also some of the american/british planes (Mustang for example).

    Or, you can try to search some at "Birds of Prey" an good PC Flightsimulator, based on the WW2 Planes (If you don't know it already...).

    Best regards, Ionic

    Written September 28, 2011
  • turquoiserabbit profile picture

    Very nice modelling and texturing.

    Some simple rigging would really give this an extra edge.

    Written September 28, 2011
  • Gikkio profile picture

    ionic: Thanks for the great advice

    Turquoiserabbit: Ty! it is true, a good rigging would allow me to make a good "feeling of movement" in the plane. With the gaussian filter in post pro is not really that good. But I did not know the deedline of the contest and I was afraid not to do in time. I also used a lower resolution textures (2000 instead of 4000) I was afraid of creating too large file to update. Great contest for the next is better not include the texture file in .zip, my 80MB waiting 20 minutes for upload on site. And attach the texture is to put a limit to what the artist can do, because it must work within the total file size. Without texturing on pack, we can work on better resolution, more fun, the best result.;) Just a suggestion.

    Edited September 28, 2011
  • turquoiserabbit profile picture

    I noticed you included an hdri map with the file. It can give it nice lighting, but the file size on those are generally quite large.

    Also you used several .tga image files. I did a test and saved one of your .tga files as a .png and it went from 12mb to 2.09mb. And as far as I know, .png is lossless. However, when I compressed the .tga files their total size went from 130mb to 36mb so I guess that is a similar gain in texture size on disk since .png files don't really compress.

    However, I don't know if a packed .blend file would compress the same since the .tga aren't on their own anymore. So, in that case, it certainly wouldn't hurt to convert your textures to .png before packing the .blend.

    Edited September 28, 2011
  • Lell profile picture

    Great work friend!

    Written September 29, 2011
  • Gikkio profile picture

    TURQUOISERABBIT: Yes hdri on environment light, after the modeling i try to zip the file, i see the dimension and I saw that there was still little "space" for a HDR. HDR together with shading and a good reflection give a little more funny to the model. Very interesting your test about TGA vs PNG Never send a .ZIP in contest I always use the PNG fo sure alpha channel support, and because of habit. I had actually thought to use formats for better compression. Thanks for the helpful tip i take it for next time!

    LELL: Hi friend ty!

    Written September 29, 2011
  • Gikkio profile picture

    no prob i agree accurate feedback is important to learn more. ty for your feedback next time i try to make more accurate work :)

    Written September 30, 2011
  • piiichan profile picture

    Very nice palette and render! The render only lacks some very bright highlights and sun reflections...

    Edited October 14, 2011
  • eric6 profile picture

    Great plane and great work. :)

    Written January 17, 2014
  • westli profile picture

    Excellent work! My two favorite warplanes are F4s... Corsair and Phantom. Keep up the good work.

    Written June 20, 2014