Low-Poly House Staff Pick

  • April 29, 2011
  • Blender 2.5x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: hjmediastudios
  • License: CC-BY
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A simple, low-poly house. It comes in under 1000 faces, and it's dependent primarily on a single photo texture for its detail. It's modeled off dimensions of an existing house, and the textures are all photo reference from that house. Good for distance work in video or game use; textures are included and everything is fully named and so forth. :)


  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    It actually didn't take that long to unwrap. Basically, I took my source images (lots of 'em! :) ) and unwrapped each portion of the house with a different material as a separate object. Once I had all the individual components unwrapped (using Project from View each time), I joined the objects together, created a new UV layer, and on that layer (not the orignal), set "Smart Unwrap" on all the faces so the entire texture would fit on one image. Then I just baked the texture (the render materials all use the other, more "detailed" UV layer for mapping on their individual source images) onto the large texture map.

    I hope this quick summary helps!

    Written May 14, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    It wasn't hard; it took maybe four hours total, and most of that was taking the original photos for reference.

    Written May 20, 2011
  • mofx profile picture

    Nice stuff as always HJmediastudios.

    Written May 20, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    Thanks. :D

    Written May 20, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    Blendercookie has several great unwrapping tutorials.

    Edited May 23, 2011
  • notyourbuddy profile picture

    Great house

    Written June 28, 2011
  • hjmediastudios profile picture

    I'm a little busy at the moment; however, the second comment spells it out. Really, this was more of a GIMP job, making sure the textures were all right. I also measured the dimensions of the entire house and the windows and everything, so it was a simple matter of creating boxes, setting them to scaled measurements, and adding textures.

    Written September 19, 2011
  • ronigavsh profile picture

    Very nice

    Written October 12, 2012
  • Zombo55 profile picture

    What's in this model there is the interior?

    Written October 11, 2014
  • bullsp profile picture

    hi THANKS

    Written August 31, 2015
  • 524gunslinger profile picture

    Great Work, I'm so new to blender... I was wanting to practice blender by studying some low poly models and came by this work... May I ask how to view the actual model and the actual images in blender? i just see some rectangles.

    Written August 28, 2017
  • akibnur1998 profile picture

    hey! awesome work!

    Written November 29, 2018
  • Criptonite profile picture

    Hi, I used this model in a music video and acknowledged you in the rolling end credits. Thank you for your fantastic work :-)

    This is the youtube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITGBVVDKRCA


    Written September 07, 2019