Vehicle Paint Toy box

  • July 13, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: marcdraco
  • License: CC-BY
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This is the first iteration of my car paint toy box - so-called because it contains not just demo materials made from scratch but the node setups which are built from lower-level nodes as groups.

The materials presented are ready to use in Cycles and can be tuned to your needs from simply changing the base colour right through to changing the colour and presentation of the reflections. I'm developing this with artists in mind so the node interface is tailored in that direction.

Included are samples setups to generate a variety of paint finishes including bi-colour with funky specular highlights right down to steels, rust, primer coats and even "bodge" (body filler).

Also included (but not used in this example file) is a multi-shader mixer capable of mixing up to 10 different shaders at using a single image to map the effects to your model: this would allow you to create the effect of a car being prepared in a body shop after an accident or for re-painting after rust treatment.

V1.01 adds a new group for modulating the gloss effect to reduce the pure CGI look of high gloss. A sample of the effect applied to a painted surface is included under "red leather".

Sample images here include treatments from Robin Marin's cycles test scene as modified by Gottfried Hofmann.


  • Comotempera profile picture


    Edited July 15, 2017
  • SamTT7 profile picture

    It's amazing how little lag these node setups cause. You have done your job very well!

    Edited July 16, 2017
  • marcdraco profile picture

    That's kind of you but honestly, it's the Cycles developers you can thank for that. I just plugged it together - all the efficiency is down to how Cycles smartly selects what's being used.

    Written July 19, 2017