Low poly girl

  • January 13, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Cloudef
  • License: CC-0
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Contains rig, and some extra such as few animations and BGE layer.

This is my first character model in blender heavily influenced by studying other works. It has some triangles, hopefully my future work has none.

You can do whatever you want with it.


  • swordsd profile picture

    nice model but why isn't she wearing clothes o.o

    Written January 15, 2015
  • Cloudef profile picture

    I may update it someday. First I want to get even better :) It should be still usable as it is now.

    Edited January 15, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    i like it but try and avoid using triangles. when a model doesn't have triangles professionals refer to the model as a "clean model" good luck. cant wait to see the next one or the update some day :D

    Written January 15, 2015
  • Cloudef profile picture

    Old school chibi Here is sneak peek of what I'm currently working on. It has no triangles currently.

    Also thanks!

    Edited January 15, 2015
  • Cloudef profile picture

    This should help you on the markdown syntax on comments. Though I advice against posting too large images. Even what I posted is probably bit too big.

    Written January 16, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    do i need to upload the image to the internet before linking it here?

    Written January 16, 2015
  • Cloudef profile picture

    Yes, you can use sites like pomf.se for that.

    Written January 16, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    ! [Project 3] (http://a.pomf.se/uxltht.png)

    there. i did it :D the hair is borrowed from my last model. that will change. its just a place holder

    Written January 16, 2015
  • Cloudef profile picture

    You did it :)

    Written January 16, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    what u think :33

    Written January 16, 2015
  • Cold999 profile picture

    It's amazing!! Triangle free I suppose?

    Written January 17, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    yeah. plan to have it out in about 2 weeks full IK rig, drivers, shape keys and textures. right now it only has material texturing and i need to fix the proportions so it looks wierd right now

    Written January 17, 2015
  • Cloudef profile picture

    The model seems bit too flat in general, especially the mouth. It might be just that you have too heavy subsurface modifier going on as well, but that would indicate that the topology isn't flowing "correctly". Eyes seems to be on right path, though the iris might need some work to get rid of the blank stare (maybe some highlights? I'm not sure).

    Daniel Kreuter has some great tutorials on "anime style" characters. He usually explains how and why he approaches the problems in modelling the shapes instead of just showing video 'this is how I do it', so you can apply his thinking more generally.

    Written January 17, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    lol. i already watched that video series. i think about 4 times, not sure. i make new hair but i need to retopologize it. yeah it kind of does look flat. i think ill fix that tonight. hows your project going? and whats it going to be?

    Written January 17, 2015
  • Cloudef profile picture

    I'm aiming to find good style for a game characters that do not take too long from me to take. I'm currently fighting with hair, trying to do it with different ways that would fit the "chibi style". Mesh hair sure is hard compared to planes. After I finally find way to make decent hair, I'll give it some clothes/armor.

    The small 2D sprite you see next to the character is sort of reference I'm trying to bring to 3D, of course need to take into the account that the perspective in the sprite version is not correct.

    (I did not really like how the hair turned out in this blend)

    Written January 17, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    finally i got the hair right :D kind of. the back needs some work. here are some pics of the time line :D ! [update 1] (http://a.pomf.se/ropeky.png) ! [update 2] (http://a.pomf.se/trjhpl.png) ! [update 3] (http://a.pomf.se/uxltht.png) ! [update 4] (http://a.pomf.se/uqqjjh.png) ! [update 5] (http://a.pomf.se/shhnbx.png) ! [update 6] (http://a.pomf.se/pxpdmb.png) ! [update 7] (http://a.pomf.se/yiygsj.png) ! [update 8] (http://a.pomf.se/udsdfv.png) btw did u get your hair to work? cant wait to see it when its done :D

    Written January 18, 2015
  • Cloudef profile picture

    I think I'm on right path by starting with bigger clumps (aka simplifying the hair) and then modifying from there. Hair v5

    Written January 20, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    nice. i like it. :D

    Written January 20, 2015
  • xalener profile picture

    Low poly characters are free to use triangles, actually. In fact, they're kinda necessary.

    Edited February 11, 2015
  • AudiofreakXD profile picture

    Exactly. If it's a low poly model, it's going towards video games.

    Written October 20, 2015
  • shadewar profile picture

    "You can do whatever you want with it" XD

    Written January 15, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    nice. i'm working on a new project. i wish there was some way i could show you it but i don't know how to link images like that :/ i expect to have the model out in about 2 weeks though.

    Written January 15, 2015
  • presqueVu profile picture

    So.. I can use it for commercial use if i give ur credits?

    Written February 01, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture


    the license is cc-o so "you can do whatever you want with it"

    Written February 01, 2015
  • practicing01 profile picture

    Thanks for the model, she's beautiful!

    Written February 02, 2015
  • ak4storm profile picture

    Thnx! Considering making an anime style game sometime, once I get the planning done Ill already have a base model!

    Written November 02, 2015
  • XhyldazhK profile picture

    Thank you! But I have a question... How exactly is this rigged? There are vertex groups pertaining to bones that doesn't exist in the armature. I wanted to add an IK tweak bone for the arms because I can't control the rotation of the elbow, but I am stuck... Any help? Thanks in advance.

    Written March 06, 2017