
  • May 30, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Bananaboy
  • License: CC-0
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Hey guys, here is the result of my new Blender-project. I hope you like it. If not, tell me what I could make better in the future. :)PS: Sorry for the white beams at the top and the buttom, the final render is without them but the resolution of the blendswap image is a square so ... :D


  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Cool blend, and don't apologize for not letting your previewpic be mutilated by blendswap's cropping. I wish more people took the trouble...

    Tip: make thoose bands black: less intrusive.

    Tip 2: Use Windows-Paint for stuff like that.

    Everybody laughs at that little program because it's so primitive and limited, but it's great for that. I use it all the time for cropping, or changing PNG to JPEG etc...... :)

    Oh, eehhrr..don't you think an additional nightview is more or less obliged when you model a neonsign?..viel gl

    Written May 31, 2014
  • Bananaboy profile picture

    Hey rianvermeulen, thank you for your comment! I have uploaded a second image with black wires and tryed to make a "nightview" but I dont realy know how I can make a realistic "nightview" (ok I dim the light an gave it a litle blue touch) but it doesnt look realy like a neon-lamp in the night^^ I still have a few problems with realistic light :D

    PS: W

    Written June 01, 2014
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Well, I don' t know any tut about this (though there are bound to be some) and I am no expert in lighting either, but in this case it' s an easy problem because it' s the same as in real fotografie:

    You CANNOT make an image realy dark by turning down the lightintensity: film gets underexposed and likewise, the renderer gets to few lightrays in a sample, so there is not enough information to create an image: everything is blurry and flat-shaded.

    So you set the lighting, as it would be distributed at night, but you render with proper lightintensity to get a sharp picture, and then you take it into the compositor, where you turn down brightness and increase contrast.

    Now this would be enough and these settings would be black-and-white with real light, but since we work on computerscreens you'll have to tweak hue and saturation as well....

    There's more fancy stuff posible, but this is the basis.....Hope to have brightened your days, and darkend your renders.. :D :D :D

    Written June 01, 2014
  • Bananaboy profile picture

    Yes, you light up my day ! :D I will try your tips and thanks again :)

    Written June 01, 2014
  • Bananaboy profile picture
    Written June 01, 2014