Eurocopter SA 365 Dauphin

  • January 09, 2014
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Helijah
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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The Eurocopter SA 365/AS365 Dauphin 2 (Dolphin) is a medium-weight multipurpose twin-engine helicopter originally manufactured by Aérospatiale, later by Eurocopter. Several major variations of the Dauphin have been developed and entered production, including the military-oriented Eurocopter Panther, the HH/MH-65 Dolphin, the Chinese-produced Harbin Z-9 and the improved Eurocopter EC155. (sources : Wikipedia)


  • TowerCG profile picture

    Awesome :) Rather mid poly, but nice :D I always love your stuff! :-P

    Written January 09, 2014
  • Helijah profile picture

    Hi JosephBennett,

    Thank you very much :) As I always emphasize, the creation of 3D models for flight simulator (ie 3D "real time" engine) requires necessarily reduce the number of points and faces :) This is just more fun and more interesting. Strike a balance between detail and point reduction.

    Regards Emmanuel

    Edited January 10, 2014
  • chaves129 profile picture

    my dream is to someday master blender, you can you tell me where I can learn this

    Written January 17, 2014
  • Helijah profile picture

    Hi chaves129,

    There is no magic recipe. Work, tests, tests of still work, time, patience :)

    Regards Emmanuel

    Written January 18, 2014
  • VictorSKF profile picture

    great model Emmanuel! great to see Sketchfab being used

    Written January 16, 2014
  • Helijah profile picture

    Hi VictorSKF

    Thx :) If your nickname indicates that you participate in Sketchfab, thank you to you then :) You can also visit my shed which also used Sketchfab.

    Example :

    And my hangar is here :

    Regards Emmanuel

    Edited January 16, 2014
  • VictorSKF profile picture

    Merci pour les liens, très bonne utilisation de Sketchfab et une impressionnante collection de modèles d'avions, bravo! :)

    Written January 17, 2014
  • fill20115 profile picture

    Helijah, you are a genius!

    Written February 26, 2014
  • Helijah profile picture

    Hi fill20115

    Whoa! Here's a little too much apreciation :) I have just the luck to have learned at one time or OpenGL and Direct X does not exist. This allows me to better understand how and why it is necessary to optimize parts. Understanding algorithms of GOURAUD, PHONG, Z-BUFFER etc ... is something very important to model optimized objects..

    Regards Emmanuel

    Written February 26, 2014
  • theginger529 profile picture

    Hello! I downloaded the model and have two questions. 1- Would you be okay with seeing your model in a game? 2- Is the model rigged, if not I can just rig it Thank you very much!

    Written September 27, 2015