Stargate ancient drohne Fan Art

  • December 03, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: voyager25
  • License: CC-0
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A ancient drohne from Stargate.

The most advanced people of the galaxy invented these drohnes as universal weapons for their ships, outposts and citys.

Drohnes penetrates nearly all shields or platings, they can either burn the enemy or explode. They are a combination of organic and mechanic, if they are active, the produce a extreme hot energy-field which can burn through all materials.

In these blend are three versions of drohnes, active, inactive and a low-poly version for huge quantities of it.


  • ronsketchfab profile picture

    nice work man! would love to see you publish your work on Sketchfab, so you can display it interactively :). we're even partnered with the guys here at Blendswap, so you can embed the viewer right here!

    And since you like Drones - our user Mestaty made the new Amazon Prime Air today (

    Written December 03, 2013
  • jagerultimate profile picture

    Excelente, muchas gracias

    Written September 07, 2016