DogFishHead Indian Brown Ale Fan Art

  • August 26, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: biozz
  • License: CC-0
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I needed this for a project im working on currently working on so i thought i would isolate it and post it on here!

the label was made by peeling off the labels from 3 bottles and gluing them to a piece of paper and scanning it and piecing it together than photoshopping it together ... its made of normal paper and glued on well and you can't steam it off or it will run

This is a fairly local brew and i don't think anyone outside of the DC area have seen this but i have to say if you like a dark ale this is the best one i ever had and has a surprising stouty taste from a non-stout beer! by far one of my top 3 beers!

PS: this company is really open, emploiee run, and LOVES fan art ... feel free to use this and send them some fan art im sure they will love it!

EDIT: i added the dogfish indentation on the bottle that the origonal has BUT because of some issue or glitch (i had issues with it) it created a ring arround it that should be a transparrent texture .. feel free to try and fix it or remove it all togeather!


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